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ADHD Comedy

Hello and Ramadan Kareem .  I hope everyone is doing good.  Fasting for procrastinators and ADHERS is really hard especially for those who need medication. Imagine already having beautiful blotches in your vision and then having to settle for a world in black and white and you would understand how us procrastinators and ADHDERS feel in Ramadan. So it is a real test for those of us who get distracted easily to now being distracted by thoughts of yummy food and cool water. So may all of us find the strength we need to work at these times as isn’t that the very spirit of Ramadan. I think my next post will be on my experience of fasting with ADHD :).

There has been some comedians that have been diagnosed with ADHD. People like Jim Carey, Whoopi Goldberg, Mariette Hartley and Robin Williams. It’s the symptoms of Hyperactivity and Inattention that I think give them imagination and energy to keep up with audience as well as give those funny insights.

Below are videos of two comedians who use ADHD as a source comedy. For someone like me who grew up with ADHD what they said was endearing and identifiable and most importantly of all funny. Have a look.

[youtube iy4O2NIMYFc] [youtube TrS2AkPHmuA]