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ADHD Awareness 2021 – The English Version!

We’re really happy with our collaboration with Fahad and his team at RGB. In the ADHD Awareness video they produced for our campaign in 2021, they successfully captured the essence of what it feels like to have ADHD as a young adult. ADHD is so much more than its clinical symptoms. We’re proud of our team for their work on this project; it took a real creative spark to bring their combined vision to life.

The original video was written and produced in Arabic, but they went the extra mile and made this English version, which we’re happy to share with you today. If you speak Arabic, you may notice that some parts are not a direct translation of the original, but we’ve endeavoured to stick as close as possible to the spirit of the Arabic.

So without further ado, we proudly present…



Maybe the story started when…
when you noticed that you’re always leaving your things in odd places
… you know what? that happens with other people too
But when morning comes and you’re surprised that your tank is empty [again!], you need to know why, right?
Perhaps ‘cause you can’t focus and forget important stuff
But you are creative… adventurous… your ideas are endless…
You’re full of energy … How do you doubt yourself?
Well… when it comes to your studies … Even though you tried hard… you were not able to give it your all …
your friends and loved ones tell you that you’ll never change
Because you make promises without thinking
I expect all this makes you anxious … but don’t worry: you’re not alone
You never know, among all this mess, maybe you’ll find [what you need] to take you to a world of knowledge
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD] is Real …
And Knowledge… is the beginning of the solution

ADHD: Knowledge is the Beginning of the Solution