Which Medications are Available?
Currently, the only ADHD medications available in Saudi Arabia are Concerta, Ritalin (short acting), and Strattera.
Which pharmacies stock these medications?
- Pharmacies within government hospitals and university hospitals
- Some private sector pharmacies, including:
- Sulaiman Al-Habib Hospital Pharmacy
- Lemon Pharmacy (Near Riyadh Gallery Mall)
- Alnahdi Pharmacy (some branches)
Can I fill my prescription from another country in Saudi Arabia?
Any controlled medication, including those for ADHD, can only be filled with a local prescription. If you are moving to Saudi Arabia, you may consider bringing a medical report with you so you can open a file at a local hospital.
Can I bring prescription medication into Saudi Arabia?
Here are the official guidelines for bringing prescription drugs into KSA (archived link) – PDF version.
Alternative advisory from Philippines embassy.
Personal use medication form from Saudi Food and Drug Authority.
What about other stimulant medications?
As of yet, only the methylphenidate class of ADHD stimulant medications is available in Saudi Arabia. Amphetamine based stimulant medications have not been approved by the SFDA. However, it is essential that at least one of each class of medication become available in the future.
What about X medication?
You can find a complete list of approved medications in Saudi Arabia on the Saudi FDA website [Note: I’ve found that you actually have to click on the “Search” button – hitting enter on the keyboard after filling the search form will give no results.].