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Multimodal Treatment

We can treat the symptoms of AFTA with medication, behavioral, and educational therapy. The symptoms and required treatment may change with age and especially after puberty. In numerous studies, the disorder continued after puberty in one-third to three-quarters of cases. The studies have shown that in 90% of cases, successful and effective treatment requires a multi-modal approach. This may include:
Medication, behavioural and social therapy, educational intervention, and patient education.

Important facts about treatment:

  • Children with ADHD may appear less intelligent than their peers, but this is often because they are simply too distracted to make use of their intelligence.
  • Some children’s symptoms decrease with age; however up to 60% will continue to be affected by ADHD even as adults.
  • Children may show immediate improvement in some areas when starting ADHD medication, but it still takes time during childhood development to establish good behavioral habits and social skills.
  • Pharmacological treatment does have some side-effects, but these are far out-weighed by the benefits.
  • Side-effects vary from one child to another and and from one medication to another.
  • Medications do not eliminate ADHD symptoms entirely, but help to control them while the medication is active (between 4-12 hours depending on medication).
  • Delaying treatment can affect a child’s social and psychological development.
  • Behavioral treatment is a gradual process that takes time to reduce inappropriate behaviors and increase positive impressions.
  • Behavioral therapy helps a child to deal with different situations at home, school, and in a social setting.
  • Behavioral therapy helps a child to overcome the manifestations of their symptoms, increase their restraint, control their responses, increase perseverance, and improve focus.
  • Behavioral therapy is beneficial for children with mild as well as severe ADHD.