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Medical Home: An Innovative Approach to ADHD

  • jvarn13 

7-11 November 2009 / 19-23 Dhu Al Qada 1430 King Faisal Conference Hall, Riyadh


Dear colleagues and conference attendees:

I welcome you all to all the joint Saudi ADHD Support Group and American Academy of Pediatrics symposium, Medical Home: an Innovative Approach to ADHD. This unique symposium marks the partnership between the ADHD Support Group in Saudi Arabia and the American Academy of Pediatric and it is testament to their effort towards improving the quality of life of children with ADHD in the Middle East through the provision of information, service and support. The American Academy of Pediatrics requires no introduction as the most important organization in the world promoting child health. The ADHD Support Group in Saudi Arabia was formed in 2004 with the aim of raising the standard of life for children with ADHD and their families by improving awareness and availability of services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We have already made great strides in areas of advocacy, public awareness and education.

This symposium is the first symposium in the Middle East addressing the needs of ADHD children. We have expert speakers from around the globe who will give us a wide variety of in-depth and stimulating discussions on different aspects of ADHD ranging from research through practical training. Physician will also have the opportunity to hear about the latest updates on ADHD and will benefit from comprehensive hands-on experience in applying and utilizing the ADHD toolkit for diagnosis and treatment, which was assembled and designed by multidisciplinary team of experts on ADHD under the guidance of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The Medical Home symposium will feature 4 tracks, including a symposium targeting parents and educators and other members of the community for 3 days, with comprehensive training for parents and educators during the 5 days of the symposium. For the first time in the Middle East we will have a coaching course for parents, educators, psychologists, school counselors and other people interested in coaching ADHD in the future.

We are hoping to hear from you and to thank you in person for making this joint symposium a successful event for the ADHD support group.

Dr Suad Al-Yamani
Organising Committee Chair



AAP News


Medical Home

The American Academy of Pediatrics describes the medical home as a model of delivering primary care that is accessible, continuous, comprehensive, family-centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective care.

In March 2007, a consensus statement on medical home principles was developed and jointly endorsed by ACP, AAFP, AOA, and AAP. Understanding the unique needs of children and families, the Academy wishes to highlight certain critical pediatric medical home principles:

Family-centered partnership:

Trusting, collaborative, working partnership with families, respecting their diversity and recognizing that they are the constant in a child’s life

Community-based system: 

Family centered- coordinated network designed to promote the healthy development and well being of children and their families


Provision of high-quality, developmentally appropriate, health care services that continue uninterrupted as the individual moves along and within systems of services and from adolescence to adulthood


A high-performance health care system requires appropriate financing to support and sustain medical homes that promote system-wide quality care with optimal health outcomes, family satisfaction, and cost efficiency


  • Certificate of Attendance

    This event is accredited by the American Academy of Continuing Medical Education, as well as being approved for 35 CME credits by the Saudi Council for Health Specialties.

    Delegates requiring CME credits must sign in at the CME desk every day that they are present at the symposium. Attestation certificates for the Saudi Council CME credits will be available on the final day of the symposium. If you require AACME credits, kindly inform the staff at the CME desk. An additional charge of SR35 for AACME certificates is required, and the certificates will be sent by mail within one month of the symposium.

  • Symposium Evaluation

    A symposium evaluation is included in your delegate bag. Please complete it and drop it off at the registration desk.

  • Exhibition

    The Medical Home Symposium is proud to host a comprehensive exhibition featuring industry and private sponsors and other exhibitors. The exhibit hall is located in the basement area below the main auditorium and will run from 9:00am-5:00pm, Saturday – Wednesday.

  • Information

    Should you require any assistance during the symposium, please visit the symposium information desk. The symposium information desk will be located in the registration area. This information desk will be in service for the duration of the event.

  • Internet Access

    High speed internet access is available in the main lobby of the Medical Symposium area outside the King Faisal Auditorium.

    Wireless internet is available for speakers carrying laptops and can be accessed in the speakers lounge.

  • Language

    English is the official language of the congress.

    Direct Arabic translation will be provided.

  • Public Notice

    The Medical Home Symposium is a smoke free event. Smoking is permitted only outside the event halls, where permitted by hotel regulations.

    Please set your mobile phone to silent mode or vibrate during the symposium.

    Please avoid the symposium halls if you exhibit any flu-like symptoms and contact the front desk to arrange for a doctor.

  • Photography Disclaimer

    Pictures will be taken during the Congress to be used on the ADHD website as well as in both digital and published material. If you do NOT want your picture to be used, please inform the front desk.

  • Registration

    The registration desks are located in the main lobby of each area. On-site registration for the main event for each track will be on Saturday only. Registration for individual workshops will remain open from 7:00am-8:30am daily.

  • Name Badges

    For identification and security purposes all delegates and exhibitors will receive a personal badge upon registration. You are kindly requested to wear your name badge when attending any session or coffee break. Only participants who are wearing their name badge will be admitted.


Scientific Program

Day 1:  7 November 2009

Track 1 (Healthcare Professionals)

Welcome and overview of program schedule
Dr Suad Al Yamani

Symposium Roadmap: Introducing The Medical Home
Dr Laurel Leslie

Decision Support: Epidemiology of ADHD
Dr Mohammed Jan

Neurobiological Basis of ADHD
Dr James Swanson

Decision Support: Genetics of ADHD
Dr Maximillian Muenke

Linking Exposures to Environmental Toxicants with ADHD in Children
Dr Bruce Lanphear

Functional Outcomes and Impairment
Dr Nihal Erfan

Impairment as Part of Assessment of Treatment Outcomes for Children with ADHD
Dr Ahmed Al Ansari

Executive Functioning and Implications for Social and Educational Aspects of ADHD
Chris Dendy

ADHD Toolkit: Coordination of Systems in the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Children with ADHD
Dr Jerry Rushton



Use of the Toolkit: Using Rating Scales in Evaluating ADHD

Helping Parents to Understand ADHD

Dr Peter Jensen


Track 2 (Parents and Educators)

What is ADHD? Basic Facts: Prevalence, Gender, etc.
Dr Saleh Al Salehi

Neurobiology of ADHD
Dr James Swanson

Diagnosis of ADHD
Dr Khalid Bazaid

Effective Teaching Strategies for Students with ADHD
Billie Abney

Impact of ADHD on the Family, Academics, Relationships and Jobs
Dr Amal Yamani

ADHD and Educational Interventions
Dr Fathi Al Zayyat

Genetic Studies
Dr Maximillian Muenke

Linking Exposures to Environmental Toxicants with ADHD in Children
Dr Bruce Lanphear

ADHD Medication Basics
Dr Raidah Al Baradie

Medication Challenges / Side Effects
Dr Ahmed Al-Ansari


Complementary Treatments for ADHD: Diet, Meditation, and Working Memory/Attention Training
Dr Maximillian Muenke, Dr James Swanson


Track 3 (Intensive Parent Training)

Welcome and What Every Parent Must Know About ADD and ADHD
Chris Dendy, Linda Smith, Dr Billie Abney

Addressing the Challenges of Parenting Children with ADHD
Linda Smith

Understanding the Impact of ADHD & Executive Function Deficits on Learning & Behavior
Chris Dendy

The Neurobiology of ADHD
Dr James Swanson

Applying Implications from the MTA Study
Linda Smith

Addressing Executive Function Deficits in the Classroom: Academics
Chris Dendy


Day 2:  8 November 2009

Track 1 (Healthcare Professionals)

Decision Support: Overview of Literature Outcomes and Treatment Goals
Dr Khalid Bazaid

Decision Support: Pharmacological Treatment and Applying Optimal Medication Algorithms
Dr Peter Jensen

Decision Support: Management of Side Effects
Dr Nihal Erfan

Behavioral Treatment
Dr James Swanson

Community Resources: ADHD and Educational Interventions
Dr Fathi Al Zayyat

Delivery System Design: Medical Home, Care Model for Child Health, and the AAP-ADHD Toolkit
Dr Laurel Leslie

Decision Support: Lessons Learned from the MTA: Moderators, Mediators, and Long-Term Outcomes Followup
Dr Peter Jensen

The ADHD Preschoolers: When to Treat by Psycho-Pharmacotherapy
Dr Marwan Al Sharbati

Care Partnership Support: Family Perspective on Treatment
Linda Smith

Care Partnership Support: Treatment Issues for Adolescents
Dr Saleh Al Shebil

Workshop 3

Assisting Parents in Managing Side Effects
Dr Peter Jensen, Dr Saleh Al Shebil

Engaging Parents As Partners in Treating Complex ADHD
Dr Peter Jensen, Dr Hoda Kattan


Track 2 (Parents and Educators)

ADHD Coaching: An Introduction
Janet Assheton

Treating Complex Cases of ADHD (Medication)
Dr Nihal Erfan

Common Learning Challenges
Chris Dendy

ADHD Outcomes, Medical Home, and Effective Team Strategies for Parents, Teachers, and Physicians
Dr Jerry Rushton

ADHD Outcomes, Medical Home, and Effective Team Strategies for Parents, Teachers, and Physicians
Dr Jerry Rushton

Effective Parenting and Teaching Behavioral Strategies
Linda Smith, Alia Al Bazie

Common Co-existing Conditions
Dr Omar Al Modayfer

What is Executive Function? Impact on Learning & Behavior
Chris Dendy

Addressing Executive Function Deficits Related to Academic Behaviors
Chris Dendy

Addressing Executive Function Deficits (Behavior)
Chris Dendy

Workshop 4

I have a child / student who…
Chris Dendy, Fathi Al Zayyat, Alia Al Bazie, Omar Al Modayfer


Track 3 (Intensive Parent Training)

Effective Parenting & Behavioral Strategies
Linda Smith

Addressing Executive Function Deficits Related to Academic Behaviors
Chris Dendy, Billie Abney

Medication Basics
Dr Ahmed Al Rumayyan

Medication Challenges
Dr Omar Al Modayfer

Collaboration with Youths, Parents, Teachers, and Professional to Ensure Treatment and School Success; Finding Help
Dr Nihal Erfan, Dr Amal Al Yamani, Alya Al Bazei, Najwa Alhawary


Day 3:  9 November 2009

Track 1 (Healthcare Professionals)

Next Steps in Implementing ADHD Care
Dr Laurel Leslie

Implementing Changes in Health Care Setting
Dr Peter Jensen, Dr Nihal Erfan

Changing Systems: Recent Models and Implications for ADHD Care
Dr Laurel Leslie

Discussion: Relevance of Change Models for the Arab World
Dr Laurel Leslie

Leadership Skills Necessary to Support ADHD Advocacy
John Forbes

Establishing High Performance Teams to Care for the Child with ADHD
John Forbes

Lessons on the Medical Home and Partnerships
Dr Jerry Rushton

Workshop 5

Putting it All Together in the Medical Home
Speaker: Dr Laurel Leslie.   Facilitator: Marwan Al Sharbati, Nihal Erfan, Khalid Bazaid


Track 2 (Parents and Educators)

Implications of the MTA Study for Parents and Teachers
Dr Peter Jensen

Addressing Special Learning Challenges
Dr Sahar Al Khashramy

Effective Behavioral Strategies
Dr Amal Al Yamani

Coping with Challenging Behaviors
Dr James Swanson

Establishing Positive Behavioral Intervention Plans for the Home and Classroom
Linda Smith

Educating Children and Teens about ADHD
Linda Smith

Finding Help for Students in Saudi Arabia/Middle East
Dr Fathi Al Zayyat, Dr Amal Al Yamani, Dr Salwa Khusheim, Linda Smith

Workshop 6:

Effective Collaboration for Children with ADHD: a case-based multidisciplinary workshop discussion
Fathi Al Zayyat, Saleh Al Salehi, Salwa Khushaim, Alia Al Bazie


Track 3 (Intensive Teacher Training)

What Every Educator Must Know About ADD and ADHD
Chris Dendy, Billie Abney

Understanding the Impact of Executive Function Deficits and ADHD on Learning and Behavior
& Identifying the Keys for a Positive Outcome/Best Practice Treatment
Chris Dendy

Creating a Positive Learning Environment for Teaching Students with ADHD
Linda Smith

The Neurobiology of ADHD: Implications for Educators
Dr James Swanson

Implications of the MTA ADHD Study for Teachers
Dr Peter Jensen

SKYPE Communication with Teachers from Sonoraville High School, Georgia
Billie Abney


Track 4 (ADHD Coaching)

Introduction to ADHD Coaching
Janet Assheton

Motivation & the Process of Change
Janet Assheton

Change for People with ADHD
Janet Assheton

Janet Assheton

Solution Focused (Brief) Therapy Presentation
Janet Assheton

Resilience, Esteem & Emotional Literacy — Group Work Presentation
Janet Assheton

How to manage co-morbid conditions
Janet Assheton


Day 4:  10 November 2009

Track 3 (Intensive Teacher Training)

Dr Ted Mandelkorn Video
Chris Dendy

Best Practice Teaching Strategies for Students with Learning Challenges
Linda Smith, Billie Abney

Innovative Strategies for Students with ADHD
Billie Abney, Linda Smith

Eliminating Academic Agony: Improving Memory, Writing and Math Skills
Chris Dendy

Addressing Executive Function Deficits: Related Academic Behaviors
Chris Dendy

SKYPE Communication with Teachers from Sonoraville High School, Georgia
Billie Abney


Track 4 (ADHD Coaching)

Goal and Target Setting: Group Work and Presentation
Janet Assheton

How to Motivate and Coach Kids with ADHD: Presentation
Janet Assheton

Supporting Parents: Presentation
Janet Assheton

Coaching Teens with ADHD: Group Work and Presentation
Janet Assheton

Taking Care of Yourself: Group Work
Janet Assheton

Classroom Strategies: Presentation
Janet Assheton

1-2-3 Magic! Presentation
Janet Assheton


Day 5:  11 November 2009

Track 3 (Intensive Teacher Training)

Behavioral Interventions: Strategies that Work for All Students
Linda Smith

The Top 5-10 Classroom Problems by Age Groups Plus Intervention Strategies
Chris Dendy, Linda Smith, Billie Abney

A Case Study: A Discussion and Problem Solving Session to Identify Interventions for Children Who are Struggling in School
Chris Dendy, Billie Abney, Linda Smith


Track 4 (ADHD Coaching)

Prioritizing Behaviors
Janet Assheton

Coaching Teens with ADHD (2)
Janet Assheton

Siblings and Relatives
Janet Assheton

Mental Health Issues
Janet Assheton

What Makes an ADHD Coach?
Janet Assheton