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Language impairment comorbidity & ADHD: evidence of coexistence

  • jvarn13 


Dr. Wael A. Al-Dakroury, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA-F
Director of Communication Disorders Department
Psych Care Clinics


Language impairment and ADHD are two relatively common developmental disorders that have been shown to have high rates of co-existence in many studies. Understanding this comorbidity is very critical for speech-language pathologists and other service providers for clinical reasons. This presentation is designed to help the targeted professionals learn more about ADHD and its relationship to language impairment. A through description of the disorder is provided, along with conclusions from the current research.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will learn to:

  1. Identify the LI inherent to ADHD
  2. Discuss the results of the latest research related to ADHD and LI as comorbid
  3. Consider a variety of treatment strategies related to LI in ADHD

Target Audience:

  1. Speech-Language Pathologists
  2. Psychiatrists
  3. Clinical Psychologists
  4. Pediatricians

